Michael's major work
- I Have Seen – Lyrics © by Neville Potter
Odds & ends
- Here is a page with compositions in progress, accompanied by anecdotes and explanations.
Some demos of Michael's songs and compositions
- Dream (instrumental)
Niccolo Casewit played the violin during our time in Munich with the New World Orchestra. He also played violin in the Denver Philharmonic Orchestra for 25 years.
This instrumental could work as an intro toWhere Have I Known You Before
, which was the first song I wrote to lyrics by Neville Potter.
- Where Have I Known You Before – Lyrics by Neville Potter
- Dream Opus No. 2
Written and orchestrated by Michael Strand
Michael Strand: Guitar, Jim Lampi: Chapman Stick, Nils Økland: Violin, Tore Haraldsen: Bass
- Lullaby for Adults
After having been in Norway for about a year, playing, travelling and recording with The New World Orchestra, I sat down one evening, thinking about my son, whom I couldn't meet. I started to write this song, but felt it too emotional to persue this line of thought. Then I came up with the idea that also adults can need a lullaby.
- A Cherry Blossom
An oriental inspired instrumental with the guitar tuned in DADGAD.
- Being in Your Space – Lyrics by Neville Potter
This is a demo of the second song I wrote to lyrics by Neville Potter
- If You Were to Ask Me – Lyrics by Neville Potter
This is a demo of the third song I wrote to lyrics by Neville Potter
- The Seatbelt
(This was meant to be a commercial to promote the use of safety belts.)
- Got a Pling?
In 1988 I attended a one weeks' workshop with the Turkish fusion jazz percussionist and composer Attila Engin. A group was put together to play some of his very tricky music with odd time signatures etc. The other guitar player had a passage where he only had to play one tone repeated slowly and rhythmically. I asked Attila if he couldn't find something different for the guy to play than "pling-pling". Attila jumped into my face and said: "If the guy really means what he's playing, then this is the most important part in the piece."
I went home, wrote "Got a Pling?" and sent it to Attila – who liked it. ;-)
Here is a video of the instrumental called "Farol" ("First Attempt Recording On Laptop"), which in Portuguese means "lighthouse", and in Spanish "streetlight, lantern, lamp".
Some of my lyrics which don't have music to them yet
- Dance Our Life
- If I met You
- Whatever You Might Do
- The What Could Have Been Blues
- The Case in the Corner